VW SP2 Proprietor's Manual


VW SP2's Proprietor's Manual
Manual VW SP2 - First Version
Manual VW SP2 - Second Version
All know that is almost impossible to get a copy of the manual now. Exactly for that one of our largest prides in this web site is of could take the all the proprietors and fans of VW SP2 a reproduction in HTML of the original proprietor's of SP2 manual!

We believed like this to be helping a lot of people to know SP2, your details and operation better.

The information that we have is that there were 3 versions of VW SP2's proprietor's manual. We had ourselves in hands two versions: the first and second. We are the search of the third version, to include it in this site. In case you have a manual of SP2 with the layer different from the images of this page, enter in contact with us!

As the differences among the versions of the manuals are small, we maintain here just in this site a complete manual, in version HTML. The pages that possess differences are duplicated (version A and B).

The text in blue in the manual refers to characteristics that are applied SP2 exclusively.

Click on the layer of the manual and "Good Reading"!

ATTENTION: The proprietor's manual is just available in Portuguese!




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